For Vaginas Only

Understanding Your Pregnancy Ultrasounds

Charlsie Celestine, MD Season 1 Episode 56

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🔍 Ever wondered what those ultrasound findings mean during pregnancy? 

Tune in to this episode to learn about the TOP 5 Most Common Ultrasound Findings to help ease your mind:
1️⃣ Echogenic Intracardiac Focus
2️⃣ Choroid Plexus Cyst
3️⃣ Large or Small for Gestational Age
4️⃣ Renal Pelvis Dilation 
5️⃣ A Single Umbilical Artery

Most of the time, these findings aren't a cause for a major concern. But as always, consult with your healthcare provider for their medical advice. #obgyntips #pregancyultrasound #ultrasoundfindings

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