For Vaginas Only
Dr. Celestine is an Obstetrics and Gynecology physician. She has created For Vaginas Only (FVO) as the place to go to for information about the female body that is explained in the way you wish your doctor would explain it! She discusses topics in a simplistic and understandable way so that every woman out there, especially young women and girls discovering their bodies, can understand both the good and the bad of what goes on with the vagina......and its associated parts! ;)Be a part of For Vaginas Only and become a knowledgeable participant in your health!
For Vaginas Only
Understanding Your Pregnancy Ultrasounds
Charlsie Celestine, MD
Season 1
Episode 56
🔍 Ever wondered what those ultrasound findings mean during pregnancy?
Tune in to this episode to learn about the TOP 5 Most Common Ultrasound Findings to help ease your mind:
1️⃣ Echogenic Intracardiac Focus
2️⃣ Choroid Plexus Cyst
3️⃣ Large or Small for Gestational Age
4️⃣ Renal Pelvis Dilation
5️⃣ A Single Umbilical Artery
Most of the time, these findings aren't a cause for a major concern. But as always, consult with your healthcare provider for their medical advice. #obgyntips #pregancyultrasound #ultrasoundfindings
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